Playa del carmen to chichen itza tour

playa del carmen to chichen itza tour

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DAY TRIP from PLAYA DEL CARMEN - Chichen Itza, Cenote, Valladolid
Save 15% on Chichen Itza Deluxe and tour the Mayan ruins with luxury! Bus with restrooms, drinks, guided tour of the ruins, cenote visit for swimming. Did you know that Chichen Itza is just miles from Playa del Carmen (2 and a half hours drive) It's easy to get there, the road is in good condition; if you'. It's a long day but SO worth it. Jam-packed with all kinds of adventure � prepare to be wowed by both historical and natural wonders.
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I understand these people are working, and it's likely their only job, but at the same time perhaps they should be told to stay outside the ruins. Temperatures at Chichen Itza top 90 F most days, and there is little shade. Yes, as long as there are more than 7 people, special rates already apply.